Thursday, February 9, 2006

Mad Money

Ever seen this show on CNBC? It's an hour long show about picking stocks hosted by a guy named Jim Cramer. They play the show like 6 times a day, so you could be flipping channels at 2am and you would have a pretty good chance of running across Mad Money. This show is literally about buying this stock and selling that stock, not something your average American should be doing in my humble opinion.

They definitely named the show correctly, because Jim Cramer is a total mad man. Now don't get me wrong, he knows his stuff and he would probably make you some money if you could sit through his show everyday. That is the part that I can't handle. I can tolerate about 4 minutes of him before I want to gouge my eyes out with a salad fork. He is just a little too excited and cheezy (yes, cheezy with a Z) for me to become a disciple.

As I watch him, I find myself wondering what makes him so over-the-top crazy. Is he just that genuinely excited about stocks and investing? Is he hopped up on crystal meth? Did he just take some Viagra with a Red Bull chaser? I don't have the answer, so you will have to tune in and see crazy Jim for yourself. If you figure it out, let me know. See how many "booyahs" you can stand, my limit is 8.

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