Friday, February 16, 2007

Enough Already!!!

There is only one way to describe the weather this week - COLD AS BALLS! Yes, it is very vulgar and totally graphic, but it is also pretty darn accurate. I simply calls 'em how I sees 'em.

Everything is frozen solid out there. I had to use a HAMMER today to break up all the ice and snow before I could dig out my car. A HAMMER!!! It is so cold that you can walk ON TOP of the snow. Today I actually saw a HUMMER parked on top of the snow. Not in the snow, not next to the snow, ON TOP OF THE SNOW! A HUMMER!!! If I lived in Fargo or Detroit or Caribou I would expect this kinda thing, but this is DC. It is not supposed to get this cold here - ever!

OK, we get it. You have made your point, but enough already!!! You want me to say it? Is that what it's going to take? Fine, I admit it. Global warming is just some hoo-haa a bunch of scientists made up so they could get more Government grants. Are you happy now Mother Nature?

Please forward my mail to Arizona Bay, AZ 82731.

Random Movie Quote:

"Dude, you smell like a yeti." - American Pie

Best Name in College Hockey:

Brett Motherwell, Sophomore Defenseman, Boston College

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