Sunday, January 7, 2007

John Mellencamp Is A Whore

It's true, admit it. You know EXACTLY what I am talking about. His next album comes out on January 23, 2007 but we have been absolutely BOMBARDED with that song of his since September. It's in every Chevy truck commercial and Chevy apparently advertises during EVERYTHING. Either they are not familiar with the concept of target marketing or their target is "everybody with a pulse". If you have seen any sporting event over the past four months you could not escape hearing that G-D song.

I am a mild sporting enthusiast, I watched the MLB playoffs and an occasional football game, but that's about it. Even with that relatively small sample of sporting event advertising I am utterly sick of that damn song. I was sick of it long before the World Series had even begun.

When he came out and sung that G-D song before one of the MLB playoff games I had to hold back the vom. (You can't tell, but I just threw up a little in my mouth as I was typing.) I can't imagine if I was a sports nut who watched baseball, football, hockey, basketball, college sports, Sportscenter and the like. I would have shot myself by now.

I have always been a fan of John Cougar Mellencamp - JCM for short. I have several of his albums in my collection. I still pull out my Scarecrow cassette and fire it up every now and then. It's that good of an album. But those days are over. He has whored out his new song so much that I just can't take it anymore. It's to the point now that if I hear one of his songs on the radio I change the channel. JCM is dead to me, his soul went to the highest bidder.

Failed Advertising Slogan of The Day:

Even Dykes Love Dick's Sporting Goods!

Random Movie Quote:

"Raise your hand if your brother's a homo!" - Just Friends

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