Monday, May 15, 2006

Natural Selection

I grew up in Maine and the beautiful thing about life in the Pine Tree State was a season that I refer to as Natural Selection. It happened every year, just like clock work, it was a phenomenon that you could count on.

Natural Selection would begin in November with the start of hunting season. All the rednecks would take their guns and go out in the woods and look for things to shoot. Rednecks, guns, woods and alcohol are a dangerous cocktail. It didn't take more than a few days for you to hear about the first case of Natural Selection - a hunter shooting another hunter. Bingo! Instantly, there is one less redneck in the gene pool. You could count on a couple more rednecks being taken out of the gene pool by the end of November.

Then, just when you think it's over, Natural Selection would hit its peek in late December or early January. Winter would be getting its icy grip on the land and the rednecks who survived hunting season would switch to snowmobiling. It never took long for a redneck to drive out on a lake and plunge through the ice. One was never enough, you could count on 3 or 4, maybe even 6 or 8 other fools taking themselves out of the gene pool before the ice hardened up.

That is what is wrong with the South, Natural Selection is reduced to hunting season only. This means that too many rednecks are still in the gene pool, knocking up other rednecks and making baby rednecks to carry on. Of course, I have a solution to this problem. :-)

I propose we take all the people who go to sporting events and then call their buddies and wave to them on TV and shoot them. This is going to take some work, perhaps they can create a new Federal Government agency for this purpose. Someone has to watch each televised sporting event and keep track of all the people who wave in the background while the game is going on. Then this info, has to be sent to the arena in real time, so these people can be rounded up before the event ends. You would have to tell them they won some sort of prize and to report to the far, far, far parking lot immediately after the game. Then you shoot everyone who shows up. Bingo, less rednecks in the gene pool. They should start this program immediately at Yankee Stadium.

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