Monday, September 5, 2005

Bow Ties

Why do people insist on wearing bow ties? They look so completely stupid. I can not take anyone who is wearing a bow tie seriously. Whatever they are saying, it seems that usually they are discussing politics, I can't hear what they say. They could be talking about Armageddon or giving me tomorrow's winning lottery numbers but I would simply dismiss what they say as bunk. It doesn't really matter what they are talking about, I always end up thinking one thing to myself: "This guy is never gonna get laid!"

Don't these people have mirrors? Or if they are on TV, like the guy I saw on MSNBC tonight wearing one, don't they have people to dress them? I'm not exactly Mr. GQ, but I do know one thing - anyone who wears a bow tie looks like a doofus. Now a Hawaiian shirt on the other hand, that is super cool!

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