Saturday, July 2, 2005

Too Busy To Post

Wow, I have been so busy lately that I haven't had the time to write about all the cool stuff I have done. Happy Hour - $2 Guinness!!!, Dinner in Old Town, Clarendon Ballroom, Ben n Jerry's, Eurotrip Live - long story there, Concert at Meriweather, Hiking in Shenandoah - I saw a black bear on the trail, supercool!

OK, I got to write about seeing a black bear, that was pretty cool. I have literally been going camping and hiking since I was born - thanks in part to mom n dad - and I have never come this close to a black bear before. I was out in Shenandoah hiking last Saturday, June 25th. I got in about 8 miles, not too bad considering how hot it was. On my way out I noticed a couple anthills that had been torn apart. I figured it was by something hungry looking for food. I actually remember thinking to myself - that looks like something a bear would do.

I was on the way back later in the day, about two miles from the car, and I come around the corner and in the trail about 100 feet ahead of me is a black bear. He or she sees me and immediately bolts into the woods off to my left. He is still between me and my car, so I have to keep walking to where he just was. I walk, slowly, cautiously and I look over to the left and there he is. Just sitting in the woods, looking at me, about 30 feet away. He is as curious as I am!

So I stand there watching him watching me for a minute or two. Finally, I remember to get out my camera - duh! By the time I turn it on and get it focused, he decides he has had enough and runs off into the woods. (Maybe I smell bad, I was a combination of sweat, suntan lotion and bugspray - very sexy!) I did manage to get a picture, but all I got was a big black blob behind a tree as he ran off. It is kind of like big foot. I know I saw a bear, but I don't have a lot of actual proof.

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