Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wasted Time

The bad thing about having 333 cable channels is that if you surf up and down them long enough you will probably find something to watch. If I had a mere 57 channels or some other paltry number I am sure that I would be much more intelligent than I am now because I would do so much more reading.

I really don't watch an overabundance of TV, a big reason why is that I don't have a TV in my bedroom. I physically have to get up, walk out to the living room to watch TV. It's probably a good 30 foot walk. Whew! I am tired just thinking about it.

That being said there are times when I inevitably lumber out, sit down in my favorite chair and fire up the remote. As I sit and surf the guide there are always a few ultra cheezy movies that whenever I see them I will instantly turn to them and be glued to the screen until they are over. Here's a sample:

Weekend At Bernie's - a movie you probably couldn't get away with making in 2009 - but back in 1989 we apparently weren't quite as cultured as we are now. Who knew you could have so much fun carting a dead guy around for a weekend? The saddest thing is they even made a Weekend at Bernie's 2.

Van Wilder - something about the slacker turned hero plot always sucks me in. Maybe it's the music, it has a very good soundtrack. It certainly isn't Tara Reid's plastic face. Write that down!

One Crazy Summer - an ultra cheezy 1986 flick with John Cusack, Demi Moore and the lovable Bobcat Goldthwaith. It always makes me want to vacation on Martha's Vineyard, not that I could afford to these days.

Hot Fuzz - I never cared much for Shaun of the Dead but I have probably watched this flick at least 20 times. Lots of action, good music and a ridiculous plot. It's a perfect movie for 1:00am.

Captain Ron - if you don't wanna watch a one eyed ship captain (Kurt Russell) drive Martin Short nearly crazy you must be retarded! I much prefer this over Pirates of the Caribbean.

Real Genius - another classic 80s flick featuring a young Val Kilmer as a brainiac, slacker college student turned hero. Plus it has ultra luscious 80s vixen Deborah Foreman - of Valley Girl fame.

I could keep going - Super Troopers, Loser, The New Guy - but I will stop here.

Mood: Wick-frig-some (Wicked Friggin' Awesome).

Failed Advertising Slogan of the Day:

"Heartburn? Kick it in the junk with Zantac."

1 comment:

Aurora said...

Captain Ron is a freakin classic. 'Nuff said.