Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Nine-Hundred Thirty-Five

935, thats a pretty big number. It's too big to be a credit score, they only go to 850. Not long enough to be a phone number (just press 2 for a while) or a social security number. Besides, who'd be dumb enough to post either of them on the web these days. So what could it be? Oh, it could be an SAT score. If that was my SAT score I certainly wouldn't be telling it to anyone.

Oh yea, now I remember! 935 is the number of false statements the Bush Administration made about Iraq and the threat it posed to our national security in the 2 years leading up to the war. Remember all that talk about how Iraq is linked to Osama and al-Qaida and Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Finally, someone went back and reviewed the video tape and transcripts of all that rhetoric and that is the number they came up with - 935. (Search for "Misinformation Study" on Yahoo News.)

935 times someone in the administration lied or provided us with inaccurate information to build a case for war. If that doesn't piss you off I don't know what ever will. No wait, I know something else that might piss you off more. Congress is STILL investigating steroid use in baseball. That's right, Congress isn't investigating the sub-prime mortgage crisis or the lack of accurate prewar intelligence. They are still dealing with whether Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens were juiced up during their inflated careers. Give me a friggin break!

Random Movie Quote:

"Stalking is such an ugly word. I prefer to think of it as compulsive following." - Accepted

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