Saturday, November 18, 2006

Opinion Confirmed!

I have long had the opinion that NASA is the biggest piece of fatback in our pork laden Federal government. We spend billions upon billions year after year to send satellites on journeys to places they will never come back from. Places we will never visit, places without atmospheres, water or cable TV. Can there be a bigger waste of the taxpayers money? Well, maybe the War on Terror which has somehow landed us in Iraq. A country that did not have toothpaste or toilet paper nonetheless WMDs.

Now I understand there is a scientific purpose for some of the things NASA does and I am cool with that. However, I think they could accomplish all the "critical" exploration with probably 2% of their current budget. Just scrap the rest of it. We don't need an International Space Station. What we actually need is to figure out how to colonize the moon so when this planet is toast we will have somewhere to go.

The latest proof that the ISS is a complete waste of money is that they are getting ready to launch a golf ball into space on an upcoming space walk on Wednesday. Yes, you read that correctly, part of our tax dollars are going so that an astronaut - actually a cosmonaut because a Ruski is doing the swinging - can launch a golf ball into the final frontier. For Christ's sake, if we are paying for it at least let an American hit the damn thing! Is that too much to ask? The Ruski doesn't even play golf, he had to train specifically for this mission, how sad is that?

Imagine what 98% of NASAs budget could do to improve education, restore New Orleans, find alternative energy sources or for cancer research. Just don't let those War on Terror people have the money, who knows how many more countries they will invade with it.

Footnote: When I ran this post through the spell-checker it wanted to replace "NASA" with "Nauseas". Enough said.

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