Saturday, December 10, 2005


Living just outside of DC means that I am neatly informed about the goings ons in our wonderful Federal Governmental institutions - whether I want to be or not. This week I have learned there is quite a controversy brewing over whether the decorated, 80 foot tree on the lawn of the US Capitol is in fact a "Holiday Tree" or a "Christmas Tree". Officially, it has been a "Holiday Tree" for many years, but this year Dennis Hastert wants it to be called "The Capitol Christmas Tree" as it was BATPCBSS (Before All This Political Correct Bull Sh*t Started).

Frankly, I don't care what they call it, but it does seem that one of the long standing traditions of Christmas is a tree loaded with lights and decorations. You can call it whatever you want but we all know it is a Christmas tree. Actually calling it a Christmas Tree does seem to be a dangerous course of action in our litigious modern society. You know there is some moron out there who will sue the government if they call it a Christmas Tree because he does not celebrate Christmas and he is morally and religiously offended. So, calling it a Holiday Tree does seem to be the prudent and politically correct thing to do. Seems like there are probably a good 30 to 40 million US citizens who don't celebrate Christmas, one of them has got to be a lawyer.

While I certainly understand the implications of this important controversy I am more concerned that Congress tackles these types of debates instead of ACTUAL issues. Don't they have other things they should be doing besides analyzing the tree on their lawn? Stop staring out the window boys and girls, recess is over! No, don't go back to steroids in Baseball again. Who gives a rat's ass if Rafael Palmerio lied or took steroids or cross dresses on the 2nd Tuesday of each month! Why don't you examine why gasoline goes up 10 cents at a time but only comes down one cent at a time. Efficient market, my ass - that has "Collusion" written all over it! Or perhaps the daunting question of what happened with our pre-war intelligence on WMDs in Iraq. Did they make all that stuff up or was our intelligence just totally wrong? Again, it doesn't matter because either answer is unacceptable, just find out and fix it!

Don't even get me started on Hanukkah or is it Chanukah? Figure out how to spell it and then you can get back to me!

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