Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Outlet Shopping

Whenever I travel I tend to hunt down the outlet malls. I just love a good deal or maybe I just hate getting totally screwed at the mall. But there is something about a pair of Ralph Lauren pants for 20 bucks that I can't resist. (Who cares if they are orange! So I look like I just got out of prison, big deal!)

Visited the shops in Lodi, Ohio on my Road Trip last weekend and got all kinds of loot. Stuff for me, gifts for my mom for Mother's Day (Am I a good son or what!), some stuff for my brother - he has a lighthouse fetish. A good day of shopping was had by all!

Let's see, I also went to Amish Country and ate dinner and poked around in some shops. Who knew Ohio even had Amish Country - I didn't until last Friday!

Saw the new movie Fever Pitch on Friday night too. It was cute, it won't win any Oscars, but I like a cheeseball love story with a happy ending as much as the next guy. Plus, I am a Wicked Red Sox fan, so it helped me re-live the glory days of their Playoff, Pennant and World Series run of 2004. I love it when you call me Big Papi!

That is really the highlight of my trip, nothing overly exciting happened in my 4 days in Ohio. My brother actually put me to work on Saturday, raking the lawn and tidying up for spring - can you believe it! It was just nice to get outta DC for a few days.

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