Sunday, April 1, 2007

The saying goes.... good deed goes unpunished, but is it really true? I am gonna have to give you a "definite maybe" (oxymoron or what?) on that one. I spent Saturday morning picking up trash as part of the 19th annual Potomac Cleanup. That's for anyone interested enough to web surf.

Three hours of picking up cans, bottles, candy bar wrappers, shoes, straws, plastic bags and anything else you can think of. My favorite item was the "No Parking" sign I found in the middle of the woods. It was still attached to its metal signpost but it had obviously seen better days. Silly me - in the woods without any bolt cutters - so this fine wall decoration simply ended up with the rest of the trash.

Now the world is a little bit cleaner than it was on Friday and that makes me feel good. But boy, do I have some sore muscles today. Apparently the muscles you use to pick up trash are not the same ones you use to walk, lift weights or use the stepper. These are all part of my normal exercise routine but they did not prepare me for the endless repetition of bending over, again and again. Who knew you had to cross train to get in shape to pick up litter!?!

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