Thursday, April 15, 2010

Max Kebble's Big Day!

Today is Thursday, April 15, 2010 and there is lots of stuff of note happening today. Some would say the biggest event is the deadline to file your 2009 federal tax return. Technically, today is only the deadline to file your taxes if you still owe the IRS money. If they owe you money there is no penalty for late filing. In fact, you have 3 years to get your money back from the IRS if you overpay them. After 3 years you forfeit that money to the government but 3 years seems like plenty of time to file to me. As a result, I would say this is not the biggest event of the day.

Others would say that the anniversary of Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in Major League Baseball is the biggest event of the day for April 15th each year. I agree to those who say that Jackie Robinson is one of the most important figures in American history and probably did more for race relations than Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. combined. This year is the 63rd anniversary of Jackie becoming the first African American to play in professional baseball. As anniversarys go, the 63rd is not a particularly memorable one so I say this also is not the biggest event of the day.

"What could be bigger than Jackie Robinson and the IRS combined" you say? "Glad you asked!" is my reply. Today is also National High Five Day. Yes, it's true, the 3rd Thursday of April each year is National High Five Day. Now I realize that this holiday isn't celebrated as much as St. Patrick's Day or Talk Like A Pirate Day but it is about time that National High Five Day got some damn recognition!

The only way today could be better is if it were also Patriot's Day, but alas Patriot's Day with it's wonderful 11:00am Red Sox game is Monday, April 19th this year.

Mood: Up High!

Movie Quote of the Day:

"You want out of here so bad you probably memorize bus schedules."


Song of the Day:

"You can set my truck on fire, and roll it down a hill, but I still wouldn't trade it for a Coupe de Ville."

- Pickup Man

Joe Diffie